
Max Jenson
2 min readNov 4, 2020


This year may be one of the most unique years history has ever seen. Whether it be covid, the election, or the protest around the globe 2020 definitely is up there. No one saw this coming, especially me when I was told we come back to our senior year of high school in two weeks. I had no idea my high school would be the only thing being affected.

I had always looked forward to my freshman year of college, but it took me getting here to realize how different it would be from all of my older friends and my parents. Zoom university as some have called it took a while to set in to realize how different things would be. There is no chance to meet new people in the classes or even meet with teachers in person. During the beginning of the year all of the online classes were fun as they were a chance to get to learn new topics and finally by a USC Trojan. However, as the year is coming to an end I’m starting to really wish we were in person.

This is our first year to experience campus life and go to all of the sporting events. It would really give us the opportunity to become part of a larger community. I just want to take a moment and say Covid is an extremely serious disease that should be taken extremely seriously.

At this point it’s just a matter of time. As long as people stay safe and wear masks the process will be sped up.

It’s very fascinating to see how the country will progress in the future and especially schools. I heard that a few states will no longer have snow days, which is crazy to me coming from a midwest state who loved waking up and getting a call that school was cancelled. Things will definitely be different and unlike anything we’ve ever seen before.

Two weeks might turn into two years. However, I believe we’ve learned more about ourselves that will make us a stronger nation. Yes, we won’t be able to go back to school soon, and things won’t be the same for a while. But, it doesn’t matter where you lie politically we need to come together as a nation and help to make the change we want to see in the world.



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